Friday, September 3, 2010

A Lot Like Dating...

This cat and mouse game of pushing my manuscript to literary agents and small publishers is quite interesting. The more I do it, the more I realize it is a lot like dating. The ones I pursue and are uber interested in are like, "Yawn, get off me. Not interested." While the ones I'm not EVEN thinking about, never looked at, are like, "Yeah, send me your stuff. We really want to work with you." Well, I'm not interested in them, though. So how's that supposed work?

Prime example, there are plenty of literary agents that I've sent my very interesting summary (in the form of a query letter) to. These are agents that have represented top African American novelists and I'm thinking, "Hey, I'm black. Wassup?!!" But er uh, I've either been ignored or sent a rejection letter back. I got another one this past week!! Yay, me!!

Anyway, I'm attracted to them (lit agents/publishing company) for one or many reasons. I can totally see us together...but they are not hearing me at all. I'm totally crushin' on them, but I get the "nope, we're not feeling you." How many times has this occurred with a fella? Not often (I have to say), but it has happened before...He's like the one you can't stop thinking about, but you know that dude ain't thinkin' 'bout you!! LOL!

Back to publishing: Then on the other hand, by word of mouth, I was referred to a small publisher and sent an email asking for me to consider their representation and business. Hmmmm...I never approached this company, never sent them a query letter, nothing. The CEO doesn't even know what the story is about,what type of fiction it is, or where it fits with the company. Guess what??!! It does not fit with the company- this I know. But the company wants me still. Even when the company has standards (on Web site) saying it will not publish manuscripts with foul language and sexual content, and I explain that the book is about a group of young women in college...Ummm plenty of foul language and yes, sexual content ;-)...(we grown), the company is trying to make it work. Really, they're trying to change how I'm sending my message and that defeats the whole purpose of the story being the way that it is. I mean it's no Zane book, but what you won't do (as my friend Chinaka would say) is clean it up so much that it's sitting in the Christian section of the book store. That's not where it belongs...There is a reason for that.

So I say no, they say yes. And I think to myself, how many times has this happened with a guy? Like seriously. "Sir, you really think you know me. You don't. I know that we're not a match. Don't try to change me to fit your fantasy." But I'm argued down...Oh yeah, that's a great way to turn me on and make me come your way. #rebellious "I just want to be accepted." <---my thoughts during a conversation like this.

For me, it comes down to the question: Why is it that the one you want doesn't want you, and the ones you don't want, want you bad? I just hope that one day (soon) in my publishing endeavors and in the relationship area of my life, that I'll get that balance. That the match-up will...match up!! :-)

In the meantime, I'll keep plugging away, testing, and trying- enjoying the ride!!

