Tuesday, October 23, 2012

A Little Self-Discipline Goes A Long Way

Self-discipline: correction or regulation of oneself for the sake of improvement

There isn't much I have to say about self-discipline. It stands alone shouting, "Hey, utilize me! Just do it!" Self-discipline has transitioned me from writing every once in a while and only when I'm inspired to writing at least an hour every day whether I'm motivated or not. One hour of writing yields 500 words on a slow day. If I'm to write about 70,000 words for the next novel, how many slow days can I have? Less than 5 month's worth... The great news is that my self-discipline has pushed me past the halfway point of completing book #2. I have less the two and a half months left before I can exhale and celebrate the completion of another fulfilling project. One day at a time, staying on track, not giving up will give me the results I want. No one can do it for me just as no one can do it for you. Your dream is yours and self-discipline is necessary to reach it. Step by step, taking one day at a time, remaining on task, you'll make it to your finish line.

Hope you'll take the time to write a plan, set a schedule to do the work and produce your dream.
Go for it!



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